Good morning Organic Family
today is my 2nd day of fasting. I started yesterday with only consuming 32oz Fruit juice I made (pear, concord grapes, apple & keylime
that took me all morning. then for the evening I drank my sea moss drink( sea moss, clove, cinnamon, agave, vanilla & I made walnut milk)
after work came home for some ginger tea I was good. I also had energy I remained fill. So this morning I woke up with so much energy I wanted to workout and to take my blood pressure.
This is a Great!!! Fasting is a Natural Dr. within it self you can't be afraid be afraid not to do it you will wish you had. I will let you know how my fasting is going.. I am planning on doing a 3 day fast but it might be a little longer. Always remember you fast everytime your sleep at night it didn't kill you... now try it for time that you are awake. Oh and last this morning I am drinking a small cup of celtic sea salt and water a pinch of sea salt... Do your homework about celtic sea salt it's not table sailt.. I have to work.out now later family.
